What we deal with
Don't talk - just do it
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"There are only two ways to live. Either as if nothing were a miracle or as if everything were a miracle."
Albert Einstein
The Book
ars communicandi - the art of communicating
The book is dealing with the question of how we can make interaction with other people easier and more pleasant for everyone. It is about how we can reduce uncertainties and avoid misunderstandings to a large extent. It is also about how we can ensure to achieve what we want with our counterpart.
In this book, we will elaborate on why human togetherness presents some challenges and show how we can overcome them and subsequently come to a much easier togetherness and thus find an easier and happier life.
If you want to know more about itjust have a look at our website about the book.
Quickly to the website and pre-order
From the book:
Zweitausendfünfhundert Kilometer mit dem E-Bike
We are currently looking at the possibilities of a bike tour. What could be more obvious than simply starting from home and heading south?
Dafür haben wir unsere Website CUBErider.de – dem Blog zum Abenteuer erstellt. Die gesamte Strecke unseres Abenteuers beträgt ca. 2466 km und umfasst 152 Std reine Fahrzeit (bei einer Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit von 16 Km/h). Das ist ambitioniert – aber machbar! Wir haben diese Strecke in 7 Reiseabschnitte mit 34 Etappen aufgeteilt.
Wanna travel with us or just want to know more details? Have a look at CUBErider.de.
Unsere 7 Reiseabschnitte in Bildern
Helping Hands
Here you can find a selection of projects and topics we support - if you want to help too, just click the Paypal button.
The lives of all living beings, whether human, animal or otherwise, are precious, and all have the same right to be happy. Everything that inhabits our planet, the birds and the wild animals are our companions. They are part of our world, we share it with them.
Dalai Lama